September would have been Oscar’s 21st Birthday, so of course this time for many that knew Oscar is quite bitter sweet. Despite the challenges and the inevitable sadness this sort of occasion brings, we think its important to ensure we are celebrating Oscar, and smiling about all the things we can (even if it feels like not very many!).
His Birthday this year is approached with that same spirit and we have some great achievements to celebrate. A group of Oscars close family and friends teamed up as team Bosh, a nickname from Oscars’ parents, and took on 3 challenges in the Jurassic Coast; the Jurassic Classic cycle ride, and 2 of Mind’s Jurassic challenges. The Jurassic Coast is a stunning area of the world, and a special place to many, including Oscar.
The only aim was to challenge ourselves and enjoy doing it together. We equally wanted to see how many miles we could collectively cover (cause why not!). The Jurassic classic bike ride kicked us off in May. 5 people decided to do the ‘long’ route; Mary, Hannah, Jon, Chris and Matt. This was a hilly and pretty gruelling in the heat 115km (75 mile) ride. This alone stacked up to 375 miles, and adding to this, Holly took on the 30 mile challenge that day and Tim and Sue attacked the 50 mile ride on their recumbent tandem – quite a sight to see! This amounts to a total of 455 miles completed for the cycle ride that day.
Following from this a couple of walks were completed, and on the 2nd September Mary took on the 50km (30 mile) run. Yes Run! Which of course she smashed, with what appeared to be relative ease?! 6 others that day took on the 25km (15.5 mile) route! More incredible achievements to celebrate. Along with that a large handful of people (13 to be exact!) completed a 10Km (6 mile) walk.
Everyone loved participating in these events and were proud to be members of ‘Team Bosh’! as well as their achievements of completing their challenges. Most importantly everyone had a great time and enjoyed smiling and reminiscing.
Mind do incredible work in mental health we are proud to be supporting Mind in the Jurassic challenge events. Totalling everyone’s achievements in these events 656 miles were completed this year for Oscar and OMEF in the Jurassic Coast. Longer than the entire length of the UK!
Amazing achievements from everyone who joined in with Team Bosh and importantly great times had in the lead up to Oscars birthday. Together lots of money was raised for both Mind and OMEF. I think this now sounds like a new annual challenge! How many miles can you help us achieve next year in the Jurassic Coast?
At OMEF we love seeing and hearing about people taking on new challenges and enjoying activities together. What challenge can you get involved in?